In shirdi there was a boy who was in DHYAAN and sat under the neem tree . At that time shirdi was attacked by CYCLONE . All the people were in misery and rush and suddenly they saw a young boy who sat under the neem tree . People said to the boy come on child stand up and run otherwise this cyclone will cause you in trouble . Then that young boy replied this is my GURU's Place nobody can affect this place , so i am safe here then he suddenly saw that the people of shirdi were in trouble so he stood up and ordered to stop this cyclone and after he said that stop stop the cyclone was dissapeared and he made everything sattled down .
After seen this scene some people was eager to know the originality of this boy .
Some people dig out the place where the boy was sat in DHYAAN . After dig out that place they found four live lamps under his seat . So it's a miracle for some people so after this that young boy said that this my GURUSHTHAAN and its a hole place.
And that boy is SAIBABA...



  1. The Blogger said...
    Soon To Hit On Wordpress...

    All The Existing Stuff with Some New Upadate Will Strike At There..

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    Anonymous said...
    hey bro this is rima this is a nice blog u have and it is great i like the story of sai! it's awesome
    વૈભવ said...
    ખરેખર! આપણેતો આવા ધોર કલીયુગમાં વિચારવુંજ રહ્યુ કે કોઇ નાની વયનો બાળક આવી કુદરતી પડકારોને એક પળમાં શાંત કરી દે. ધન્ય છે એ પાવન ભૂમી કે જ્યા આવા મહાન સંતોના દર્શન મળે છે.
    ખુબજ સરસ હેમલ!

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